Open-Source Projects


A multi-purpose, pre-configured, performance-optimized structlog logger with (optional) Sentry integration via structlog-sentry.


Standardized Python project creation and synchronization.


CI Docker Images

Pre-built containerized base environments for standardized projects and CI pipelines.




AI & Search

Various projects aimed at enhancing the Mercari customer experience via the integration of high-impact AI-based search solutions.



[Webinar] Applying AI Towards Ultrasound Competency Assessment

The public introduction of SonoSim’s AI-powered sonographic competency assessment offering.

R&D DevSecOps Practices and Processes

The R&D team's self-hosted Kubernetes-deployed CI/CD systems leverage project-agnostic GitLab CI pipeline templates backed by project-overridable pre-configured CI Docker images, to enable and automate org-wide dependency upgrades, static analysis, static application security testing, and container image building/repository uploading, with automated out-of-the-box integration for all new Python projects via Cookiecutter Python project standardization and synchronization.

NLP Machine Learning Pipeline

An end-to-end pipeline that applies speech-to-text, machine translation, and text-to-speech models in cascade for automated content localization, captioning, and enhanced semantic content search capabilities.

Semantic Content Search Engine

A content search engine that uses various forms of NLP for full-text semantic search.




PhD Research Mastery Exam

A Master’s thesis as well as a PhD research prospectus, with the subject area chosen specifically to best guide the efforts at SonoSim, Inc. in enhancing the SonoSim® Ultrasound Training Solution and the overall SonoSim experience.

Teofilo E. Zosa. "Catalyzing Clinical Diagnostic Pipelines Through Volumetric Medical Image Segmentation Using Deep Neural Networks: Past, Present, & Future." UCSD Computer Science and Engineering PhD Research Mastery Exam, June 7, 2019.*

* Survey paper ranked "at the level of a good paper or presentation at a top conference in the area of the exam", the rarest and highest possible examination rating.


Parallel Computation at Scale: High-Performance Computing using OpenMPI

An OpenMPI implementation of the Aliev-Panfilov electro-cardiac simulation algorithm that ran on the COMET supercomputer at the San Diego Super Computer Center.

Teofilo E. Zosa. "HPC Programming: Scaling Aliev-Panfilov Electrocardiac Simulation Using OpenMPI." CSE 260: Parallel Computation, 2018. [UNPUBLISHED]

Marvel Vs. DC: Latent Factor Models for Sentiment Analysis & Consumer Similarity Prediction

An application-specific web-scraper that performed sentiment analysis and generated a star-rating predictor from DC Comics and Marvel Comics graphic novel reviews.

Teofilo E. Zosa. "Marvel Vs. DC: Predicting Consumer Similarity Using Latent Factor Models." CSE 258: Recommender Systems & Web Mining, 2017. [UNPUBLISHED]





The Oracle Code (2020)

Global Frequency: The Deluxe Edition (2018)